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Our History

Since 1870 Blundstone has made the toughest,no-nonsensefootwear for work and play. Established in Hobart, Tasmania the company has grown to become one of the world's most recognisable boot brands. Our history, heritage and people have helped shape the way our boots have evolved; perhaps it takes a unique place to inspire the development of a unique boot.

Our Products

Hobart is still the home of Blundstone, and our development team remain dedicated to innovation in design and production. As a consequence of their dedication, Blundstone now oversees a global supply chain bringing together the best ideas, components and designs in the creation of our unique product range, from the iconic elastic-sided boots to safety footwear and the women's heeled boot. With a commitment to sustainable development, we maximise the use of recycled and recyclable materials in our manufacturing and minimise the use of raw materials, chemicals and fossil fuels. It’s a sustainable, living legacy.

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